I'm on a role with my shoe challenge. It has been cool all week and instead of wearing leggings/sweats/over-sized hoodie, I decided to dress up a little. I have this cute purple dress that was just too heavy for summer. But since it was so cool out, I decided to try it out. To keep myself from freezing on campus, I threw on my new tights I got on my visit to my Mom at H&M. Cute, warm, and NOT leggings.
Eventually I'll force a friend to play photographer. Until then, I have a mirror in my bedroom to work with. |
The only dilemma I had was what shoes to possibly wear with them. I rarely build an outfit around shoes (Although it has happened. Especially with my knee high boots from Athens). I was kind of iffy about flats, but then I remembered I had these slouchy gray boots.
Don't laugh. I had no idea how to show these boots. They have no shape when I take them off. |
I need a better way to display my shoes so I remember what I have. But this challenge should help me rethink which shoes I would want or would use.
I did feel way more dressed up than the majority of campus. It's amazing how many leggings I saw. And sweats. I usually live in jeans and sweatshirt, so this is different for me. But I like it.
Do you build outfits around shoes? Or are they a compliment to your clothes?
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